Manifesting Abundance – 3 Easy Tips on How to Remove Doubt When Using the Law of Attraction


When you're using the Law of Attraction, doubt is by far the biggest culprit as to why you're not successfully manifesting abundance. It is the equivalent of weeds in your garden, or pouring salt in your soil where you plant seeds, because it prevents the likelihood any desire taking form.

Here are three easy tips to eliminate any doubt once and for all.

1) Stop focusing on the "how ".

Anytime you're using the laws of reality creation for manifesting abundance, asking yourself "how" things are going to come into fruition, you will IMMEDIATELY get into your logical mind where you start questioning how possible your desires are, which induces doubt.

Always focus on the what, NEVER the "how".

2) Never resist the feeling of doubt

What happens when you get the feeling of fear or doubt that your desires will never come into fruition? You try and make it go away. When this happens, it just makes the feeling stronger and causes it to linger. Whatever you resist persists. Rather, when the feeling of doubt arises, breath deeply, feel the feeling in your body, and allow it to go through you without judging it.

When you do this, the feeling will soon pass.

3) Focus on "having" instead of "wanting"

When you're focused on "wanting" something, you're leaving the door open to fear of not ever getting it, which produces doubt of whether you're going to manifest it or not. However, if you are able to focus on what it'll feel like to already have it, you're eliminating any possibility of doubt, because your mind can not tell the difference between something "real" and something vividly imagined.

Thus, by accepting the feeling of already manifesting abundance, you're leaving no room for doubt.

Speaking of which, were you aware that there are factors OTHER than doubt that can TOTALLY screw up your chances of manifesting abundance just as much as doubt can?

One of these factors is ignorance.

You see, most people do not understand the WHOLE picture of reality creation and think that it's only about the Law of Attraction. This tidbit of misinformation that is spread around by many so called Law of Attraction 'gurus "has caused many people to fail at creating the reality they desire.

If you're one of them, take heart, I too was once lost, and there's nothing wrong with me or you, it's only that we were not given enough information to successfully create our own realities.

Well, your life is about to change, because I'm about to show you how to access EVERY "secret" to creating your own reality and manifesting abundance in your life.


Source by Ike Love