Being the Funny Guy – How to Make Women Laugh


When it comes to being attractive to women it does not hurt if a guy is extremely good-looking, it's not bad if he's intelligent, nobody can turn them away for having a good job, but if you really want to keep a woman's heart long-term you need to make her laugh. Year after year magazines like Cosmopolitan rates in man's ability to make a woman laugh as the most important trait women look for in a man. This article is designed to help you be the funny guy and give you some tips on how to make a woman laugh.

Do not take yourself too seriously. Most men do not realize there's a fine line that needs to be walked between being confident, assertive and a man's man and a guy that takes himself too seriously and is to stuck up to poke fun at himself. By taking yourself too seriously, you're not putting the woman at ease if you can not make jokes about yourself and how comfortable is she going to be around you? She needs to feel like if you do something funny or stupid she can poke a little bit of fun that you and vice versa, if she does something silly deep down she really wants you to tease her about it as I keep your relationship fresh.

Be funny from the start! I still remember a guy that was hitting on me in a bar – I kept catching him looking over at me and I was interested so I smiled, he smiled back, as he was walking across the bar to see some friends gave me a little wink . About five more minutes went by and I had not seen or heard from him, suddenly he walked right up to me and said "I think we should see other people" at first I thought he was crazy or thought I was somebody else but he kept playing along with this little joke saying how much he "enjoyed the times we had together", I started to play along to and we spent the rest of the night joking about how we should get back together. A guy that has a funny intro or little joke to play always stands a fantastic chance of getting a pretty girl's attention.

One thing to remember though when it comes to being a funny guy. Is there is a time and place for everything you do not want to try and be funny all the time so that she does not take you seriously or thinks that you are her personal clown. Just be careful and try to mix in the right amount of humor and jokes. Also, by not trying to be too funny all the time here able to have a greater impact on her when you are being funny.

Avoid any jokes that insult her. It's one thing to poke fun at the milk that shot out of her nose as she was laughing while eating her breakfast cereal it's another thing to make fun of her weight, ethnicity or something else that borders on insulting her. If there is any doubt in your mind that the joke you're about to say is going to insult her just hold back and avoid it altogether.

Steal your material! If you are having a difficult time figuring out ways to be funny and spontaneous a great thing to do is hop on your Netflix account and put some old standup comedy DVDs in your queue. I can not tell you how easy it is to steal comedians humor and use it for yourself to get women. Remember, you're not trying out for Last Comic Standing and there's no such thing as plagiarism when it comes to flirting with women. The bottom line is we really want a laugh so we could care less if you're doing a shtick that he stole from an old Richard Pryor special or if it's something that you thought of yourself. The bottom line is we want to laugh!


Source by Eva Weston